Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hair Success!

Joe's hair is untamed. It's a wild bush that grows at the speed of light, and the only time it looks reasonable is when it's freshly cut. Unfortunately, he refuses to get it cut often (it costs a ghastly $11 with the cheap barber that cuts hair out of his basement; and he is often too exhausted to go out to get his hair cut).

The solution? Me. I will cut his hair. Why not? I've cut Colin's his whole life (all 2.5 years), and his head is still attached to his neck.

However, the last time I cut Joe's hair, (it was the first time with an electric razor), there was a slight... accident.

I won't go into details (which involve a bit of a discussion about his sideburns needing just a trim after his hair was done and perfectly cut), but basically a whole side-burn was shaved off. Not just kind of shaved off and could get away with it - it was gone like the wind.

After the 5 minute stunned silence, we thought of divorce solutions - maybe shave the other side to even it out? my black eyeliner to maybe 'darken' the area missing? (which we tried and... doesn't work). And after a lot of flipping between pure anger and absurdity, we just left it as is - I mean, he's a manager, and none of his employees are going to be straight with him and say - "Hey Boss, where's your side-burn today?"

Well, I am proud to announce, that tonight, we have success. I was able to mow his hair, and I found a handsome man under all that wilderness again - I have my husband again! And this time, with 2 side-burns.

On another note, other things that may test your marriage: Losing your iPhone4, cutting up your replacement credit card (right before leaving for vacay), and also almost missing a flight because you left your glasses at the hotel. I'm not exactly all that on-the-ball, and I love Joe for loving me despite it all.


  1. I would have like to have seen the eyeliner solution. Too bad he didn't try it the next day. He ain't my boss so I can say, "Hey Joseph, where's your sideburn today?"

    I thought the loss of the iPhone 4 was planted.

  2. was planted for a new iPhone 4S hey? :P

  3. Ghis - the eyeliner solution was by far the most ridiculous thing... it was like bad halloween make up that never came off the day after. So, I would recommend you not to use that solution if you ever are in this sticky situation.

    And, he had buyer's remorse about ordering the 4s, so he cancelled it. So now the lost phone is completely legit. :(

  4. Oh, this is funny. I like Joe with his bushy hair.
