Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Colin Says - the 'Why' Stage

Ah. Why.

Why this. Why that? Why why why why why - I'm am currently in this stage. And I must say, I'm embracing it... I do enjoy the curiosity, and I feel like if I somhow answer all of his questions correctly, he'll continue to be curious about everything else in life, and then bug smarter people for better answers.

But, the why got a little personal today.

Colin: Why are your eyes so big Mommy?
Me: Because that's the way I was made.
Colin: Why is your mouth so big?
Me: Because that's the way I was made.
Colin: Why is your belly so big?
Me: .

I'll just go eat my lettuce leaf for lunch today, thank you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Colin Says

Before he went for quiet time in his bed, Cara and I were accompanying him in his room. He was in his bed getting his books and stuffies ready and said to Cara and myself, "Come on in my bed girls!"


Colin was awake still by 9pm (after we had put him to bed at 7:45) but he wasn't yelling for us, we just heard some thumping. Joe decided to use this time to just spend with Colin, and told him he was very proud of him for 2 reasons.

Joe: Colin, Daddy is very proud of you for 2 reasons. 1. You went on the potty all day today, and your diaper was dry!
Colin (interrupting Joe): and 2. I'm proud of you for playing the pizza game Daddy!
Joe: Yes, well... then... 3. I'm proud of you that even though you were awake, you didn't yell and you just stayed in your bed and tried to sleep. I'm so proud of you Colin.
Colin (interrupting again): and 4..... and I like Daddy.