Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birthday Recaps

I've noticed a trend. I start each post off saying 'I haven't posted in a really long time', or something similar. But time passes by so easily, and especially with February jam packed with Birthdays and then getting slapped by 30 (now my excuse is old-age?), I can say it's been busy.

Cara turned 1. We didn't hold a cray cray party - not bouncy castle, no 25 kids running around with kazoos, a creepy clown.... etc. I didn't do all that either with Colin, but I do remember putting on more of a 'party' for Colin when he turned 1... and then realized - they just don't care. They just want cake.

So, for good old #2, we had a nice little family dinner on her actual birthday, with a homemade carrot cake (which she inhaled), and for her 'party' we invited 2 families. That's right. 4 kids total. It was a nice quaint way to eat a nice bbq meal with close friends, and to say we celebrated Cara's first birthday with a party.

For Colin, on the day of his birthday, Joe took the day off work and took the whole family to the zoo. Low key, and just good family quality time. We hit up the Olive Garden in Langley afterward too - we felt so.... American.

Colin's birthday was a little bit more exciting. He had a party - a real birthday party. Last year, he didn't get much of a party, since we had just given birth to Cara a few weeks earlier and I couldn't be bothered to put on a razzled dazzled show, but this year I asked him what he wanted - and he wanted a pinata. And a pinata he got. He had a dinosaur themed gig, with an egg hunt, and pin the tale on the dinosaur, and good tiny friends and food - it was the perfect way to celebrate him being just a boy.

Then came mine. Thirty. We just had a simple dinner with family on the night of my birthday, and then got together with some friends at our local steakhouse (Onyx).

I found that 30 wasn't as daunting as it appeared. Joe asked me how I felt about turning 30, and I told him that I'm pretty proud of it. Having met Joe, married, bought a house, had 2 kids, and raising a family (and a pretty happy and healthy one at that), makes me feel like holding my head up high at this ripe old age. Well, and also getting my ID checked in Hawaii didn't hurt either ;)

Anyway, I'll do an April recap too, but these weeks have just flown by!