Friday, August 19, 2011

3 Minutes Inside My Brain

A friend sent this along to me from Jason Good's blog. It was pretty amusing, accurate, and absurd all at once, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! So much that it inspired me to blog about 3 minutes inside my own head.

- What am I going to make for dinner?
- I need to grocery shop.
- I want salami.
- and cheese. and chocolate for good measure.
- Cara's so cute.
- Why the heck can't Joe ever put his socks away???
- I swear I'm going to burn all of his socks - he'll learn his lesson then.
- Colin's so cute.
- I wonder if I have any Facebook notifications?
- Hmm, none right now, but I'll just stalk an old high school friend's photos and see what they look like now.
- Ugh, what am I going to make for dinner?
- I'm shedding like crazy, I need to cut my hair.
- OOh, I'll visit Groupon to see if there's a cheap hair salon deal.
- I could use a free bootcamp lesson. I jiggle more than I remember.
- dinner? dinner? dinner???
- I need tin foil.
- There must be a notification by now.
- I'll check my blog stats.
- I need to cut Colin and Cara's toenails.
- I love my family. Joe's cute, smart and funny.
- Joe needs a hair cut.
- I need more tupperware.
- What was I going to get???
- ARGH I can't remember what I was going to get.
- I want to rearrange our furniture.
- I need to organize the desk first, then we can rearrange things.
- I need to get organizers, dividers, file folders, and new pens to properly organize the desk.
- I feel stressed out thinking about the desk. The room is fine the way it is.
- I'll look on for ideas.
- I'll text Joe and ask him what he wants. He better not say 'anything'.
- I need new lids for the sippy cups. why can't they just sell the lids???
- Colin and Cara are so cute.
- Why can't Joe put his shirts back on the hangers?? I'm going to donate anything that's laying around.
- ugh. laundry. and how is it that all the pairs of socks become singles magically after I wash them??
- How is this place always a mess? I'm pretty sure I cleaned it up 10 minutes ago.
- Doesn't Joe know I need to know what he wants for dinner NOW so I can grocery shop NOW?
- I love Superstore. I like one-stop-shopping.
- I hate dishonest people who park in the maternity/parent parking
- I like the idea of reading.
- hmm, where's my Entertainment coupon book?
- i'll ask Joe. but he probably won't know... but i'll ask him anyway
- can kids smell? how does that stench in his diaper not get to him?
- A van would be so nice to have. so much extra room. and sliding doors...sliding
- maybe there's a fb notification. I'll check my phone.
- it's sunny. we'll just BBQ. I can think of dinner and groceries for the week tomorrow.


  1. Haha, must be in the name...glad that I'm not the only one having very similar questions about socks and hangers! :)

  2. I like it Sharon! I think I hear an echo in my own brain. I often run up the stairs and then forget why I ran up the stairs.

  3. Thanks ladies - I feel like a cranky old lady cause I didn't realize most of my thoughts are complaints! I'll be the old lady with a cane pointing at teenagers soon enough.
