Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Charming Colin

We were having hot chocolate at the local Starbucks, and for some reason (thanks to the technology of television) Colin said 'Happy Valentines Day'.

Me: Where did you hear that from?
C: The Save-Ums. What is Valentines Day?
Me: it's a day about love.
C: I'm sick.
M: what's wrong with you?
C: I'm sick because I love you soooo much Mommy.

Other Colinsms from today:

As a typical mom and dad with their baby babbling - we encourage them to say our name. It almost becomes a challenge to see who's name they say first. Joe and I were probing Cara, "Mama", "DaDa". etc.

Colin pushes us aside, and says to Cara, "Goh Goh". That's Chinese for big brother.

It's been potty training season, and our house is stocked with stickers, charts, treats... you know, the works. Well, today was the day. Colin collected enough stickers, to get a PRIZE. What was the prize? A Stegosaurus from the Toy Jungle at the mall. I told him Daddy and I would go to the mall, and we would get the Stegosaurus after dinner.

We were getting ready to go, and Joe and Colin were getting ready on our bed, and when we said it was time to go, Colin calmly said, "No, I'm fine".

Joe and I were a bit shocked. We were going to get the dinosaur he wanted, and we were dying to get it for him because he deserved it. And all Colin said was "No, I'm fine. I want family time."

We made it clear that we were going to go get that dinosaur, and that it was his prize for pooping, and all the fun he would have with it, and he surprised us by saying, "No, I have enough dinosaurs. I have my Ankylosaurus."

Joe and I were floored. Where does a 2 year old learn to be content with his things? Since when does family time, take priority over material things? I don't know. It's certainly not something we overtly taught him, but I am just so happy. In love. In love that Colin loves his family so much more than anything. I hope that we can nurture this desire to be loved and secure.

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