Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wild Thing

Cara is a wild one. A beast, and silly to the bone. In fact, it was just 2 nights ago I was lamenting how mischievous she was. After we had put both the kids down, we had return to their room 3 times.

We knew trouble was brewing when we saw the lights flick on/off and heard giggling, so Joe just said with a stern voice from below, "Lay down. Go back to sleep." No sooner than 5 minutes had passed, I heard some noise over the monitor. Not crying, not snoring... a rustling of some sort. I went in to check, and there she was, mangling the blinds on the window. After the light switch and the blinds, I literally pulled her crib out into the middle of the room so she couldn't touch anything within arms reach. I had also noticed she had taken her sleep sack off. I put it back on.

Third time. Noise. Giggling. It was Joe's turn. He goes in, and finds the beast completely naked. She had taken her sleep sack and her sleeper off this time.

She's a sweet girl, really. But she's just wild.

She loves to jump off stairs, flip upside down, get tossed in the air as high as Daddy can throw her. And she loves to climb on you, and balance.

I was on the computer, and she usually climbs up on the chair with me to stand and hang on to me (much like a pet monkey). This time, she decided to get between me and the computer, and stand on my legs.

She kept trying to balance, taking her hands off while standing on my legs going "whoooaaaa, whoooooaaaaa". But eventually she would fall, and I would catch her and we'd smile and giggle.

She's loveable, but wild.

We kept doing that, and she kept falling, and I kept catching her. Then, I started thinking - one day, her risk taking and wild ways will be more than I can handle. She'll be taking emotional, academic, social and other physical risks. And as I thought, I'm going to always be there to catch her. No matter the risks. I'm her mama, and as hard her falls may be, I made a promise to her right and then - that I would always catch her.

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