Lest we forget. I took Colin to the local legion to honour the men and women who have and continue to fight for our country. I don't personally know any veterans, or have any close friends/family in the military, but I am always touched by the sacrifices people make for the comfort of others. The men and women who fight, their families who live without a parent, spouse, son, daughter, sibling... for long periods of time, the uncertainties - I just don't know how they do it.
So, on Remembrance Day, I took Colin to expose him to these important people.
It's a tough one to explain to a 2.5 year old what this day is all about. These are big ideas - sacrifice, freedom, war, death... but it's important that he learns about respect.
So, on the way to the legion, I was trying to put it all in perspective for Colin. The conversation went something like this:
Me: We are going to see some really important men and women. These people fought in a war, to help make it a safe place for us to live.
Colin: Fighting is fun!
Me: No. No. Fighting is BAD. But these people were fighting someone very mean, and had to fight back. They wanted to keep us safe, so they had to fight the really mean people.
Colin: Like Superheroes!
I thought that was very appropriate - they really are the real-life superheroes. I just hope, in time, he learns that we need to be respectful, and that all things come at a cost. Tough life lessons need to be taught early.

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