Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Colin entered out lives 2.5 years ago, and since then - we've taken thousands upon thousands of photos. And having the photographer husband, it helps that our photos look friggin awesome. But other than having... thousands of great photos, it's not very useful to just have them on the hard drive.

I made photobooks, which I treasure and Colin reads them (I am currently making a photobook for Cara too), but we decided to take it to the next level and just make a montage of each of their lives thus far. They've been such a blessing to us, and we wanted to use the 2 avenues that are so important us to express just the impact our children have had on our lives. Photography and music. Please enjoy our LiLos (Little Lo's)


  1. I loved it!! It was so cute how they both looked so alike when they were newborns! We miss getting to spend time with your family.
    Sending lots of love to Eleanor's future in-laws!!

  2. Thanks Lucy :) Hope you guys are doing well in VA! are you coming back to the west coast for the holidays?
