Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My own little monkey?

I'm sure some of you have seen this lately, but on the lighter side of the news, a monkey in Indonesia stole a wildlife photographer's camera and started taking pictures of himself.

Well, these past couple days... I've noticed a lot of giggling. And Monkey see.... monkey do.

There are more than just these 4 photos... in fact there are probably about 50 (no joke) since he discovered the photobooth feature on the Air yesterday.

Here's video proof too that he actually does it on his own.


  1. pretty sure my mom has a video of me looking at the tv as the video camera's plugged in and i'm laughing at my self.... 28 yrs later... same story. always cute.

  2. ahh... parents, they just love to watch us be narcissistic don't they? :)
