Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Vegetarian

I have been thinking long about this blog entry. Ever since Colin, age 6, decided to be a vegetarian, I have had a lot of dialogue with myself regarding this, and it surprised even myself.

You see, as a family, we are proud eaters. Happy eaters. And the source of great happiness while eating, was meat (oh, and family and friends too I suppose). Bbq, roasted, crispy skins, braised, cured... really, we just love it. And we still do. For goodness sakes, when Joe and I captained an Ultimate team back in 2007 he named the team 'Meat On Stick'.

Suffice to say, it is a big source of joy in our lives.

Just a few weeks back, Colin decided to ask about the mortality of chickens while eating the amazing, creative and labor intensive meal of Shake 'n Bake I had prepared. He was wondering why the chicken had to die. Naturally, Joe and I tried to package the answer up with rainbows and butterflies, but Colin was just so persistent in trying to dig to the bottom of WHY the chicken DIED.

We conceded, and just said, "So we could eat it."

Joe and I looked at eat other, not giving away any air of disappointment to Colin as we spoke about it, but we knew where this was heading; and in our family, this was a path not traveled. As Joe and I tag teamed the conversation, we touched on topics of how you need to eat more veggies to make your belly feel full, alternatives to meat, pescatarians (which he ultimately decided to be), vegans, and the whole realm of meatless diets.

It was an interesting dinner, and we left it at that.

A couple days (or weeks later, I can't remember in my mombie state), when I was prepping dinner, Colin asked if he could have a vegetarian dinner. While my immediate reaction was "Of course!", anxiety also brewed inside - not because of Colin - but because dinner prep was already underway, and now I had to figure out a vegetarian and kid friendly meal in a matter of moments. I felt the heat and was kind of up for the challenge - almost felt like I was in the Master Chef's kitchen having to think on the spot. Before I knew it, I had prepared my first vegetarian meal for my vegetarian son. To some degree, we really thought it would be just a phase (cause if we waved bacon in front him he would probably swallow it whole in seconds).

Now, after all this, I was going to post on my Facebook status, about this new found vegetarian family member - as it would be quite amusing to a lot of friends that know we love our meat. But with every sentence I started to type, it didn't feel right. There was something that kept stopping me from saying something quirky, or snarky about it all - Anything on the lines of 'HEEEELLLPPPPP we need to admit our son to meat therapy' just felt so........ wrong.

I was wondering why I felt like that, and ended up posting that yes he was a vegetarian, and for recipe ideas instead because I honestly did need help in that area now as this was all fairly new territory I was creeping on. I mean, cooking 1 vegetarian meal out of the week 'for fun' is totally different than doing it routinely, as well as making all our meals meatful, and meatless AT THE SAME TIME to make every family member happy full.

As I pondered why I had such a hard time even with wording my usual status updates, I figured out why I had such a difficult time. I love Colin. I love him for who he is, and I love his good intentioned decisions. I support him in everything he does because I am his mom, and if I didn't let him try things, answer his questions, fail, succeed, and walk beside him on his journeys, then I am not fulfilling my role as a parent.

Then it hit me. I am setting a precedence much bigger than I understood at the time. I am setting myself up, for ALL the times, he needs someone to listen and hear him. I don't care what he wants to share with me - my first and initial reaction will not be judgement, but be support and love. If he wants to tell me he stole something, I will listen. If he wants to tell me someone hurt his feelings, I'll be there. If he's going to tell me he is gay, I will hug him. With no hesitation, I want him to know that we unconditionally love him. In fact, I would love him MORE at that very moment in time, because when someone you love is vulnerable, and honest with you, they need love.

This whole snowballed in my head, and then I started to think about the gay issue. I am a Christian, and I'm Chinese. This whole thing should not be an issue. There are so many things I hate about this issue, and none of it has anything to do with the 'gay' part of it. I hate the judgement, I hate the extreme measures and lengths people go to try to make a point. I even hate the word 'tolerance'. Tolerance is just a 'nice' way of saying "You're still wrong." I hate that Christians get a bad reputation, and generally get lumped into the anti-gay crowd. Then it dawned on me.

I am for love. Unconditional Love. The true love that died on the cross for me and my sins love. God love that goes beyond all boundaries, and will sit with you and listen to your honest heart love. The kind of love that is 10 millions times stronger than my unconditional love for my vegetarian son.

That's the kind of love I hope to spread and share. So, as a meat lover, I am finally declaring my love for all you vegetarians. It's taken a while, but I get it now.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolution Check Up

Warning, I am repeating myself every time I start a new entry. 'I haven't written in a while'. I can assure you of 1 true thing - I am, indeed lazy with my blog. I have been obsessing over a few other blogs, Momastery and JJ Landis | Living for Real. There is something in me, and I can't figure out what it is, spiritual, or hormonal (perhaps a combination), but I keep seeking out authenticity in everything. And lately, just reading those blogs have me staying up late and nodding my head to the point of it nearly falling off.

Then I started to re-read my own blog. To see where my journey (or what I chose to post from it) has taken me, and there it is, a resolutions list from January 2013. Well, it wasn't really a list, but it was my resolution.... thought. Yes, it was only 20 entries back, but I seem to still find myself in the. exact. same. place.

I thought resolutions were supposed to change and evolve someone, to encourage us to be better. I can't say I've really quite improved, instead I got bigger in 2013 and then had a baby in May of 2014. Otherwise nothing has significantly changed. I still feel like there are a billion things wrong. The storms are brewing somewhere in my life. But I still feel blessed and cannot fathom why I have been given this beautiful life to live. I look to God and can only continue to thank Him, but I'm pretty sure I look as confused as the awkward middle schooler on the first day of school. I just don't get it, and I am searching.

I remember back in June, 3 weeks after we just had Connor, we went back to Tofino for Father's Day. If you have not been to Tofino, it is something for the soul. For me, it's something about the vast expanse of the ocean. The sights, sounds, and feelings of simultaneous fear and awe. It feels spiritual there. I was looking around, feeling so blessed again, and only 1 word kept ringing to me. I am the kind of person that really quite hates commitment or responsibility, but this word embodies everything opposite. I couldn't help but to hear 'chosen'. Almost annoyingly deafening (but not nearly as deafening as my own mother's ultrasonic twangy nag). The only part I understood, was that there was something bigger for me (or my family) to do. The whats, whens, hows are still up for grabs. I don't even want to try to understand, but I know, deep within the storms brewing inside me might have something to do with that. I just haven't figured it out yet. So, maybe for my resolution thought of 2014, I'll go on a journey, to figure out what to do with 'chosen'.

Looking forward to 2015 (now that I've blogged my thoughts out, it is with a little trepidation!) and hope that your New Year will be a journey you can't forget. Let the good times roll.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Conversations with Colin

I often try to take the time to teach my kids something useful for life in every conversation we have. Even by having a conversation, they are being taught about communication. But in this instance, we were on our way to the dentist, and I was kindly reminding him that he will be expected to be polite and use his manners.

I was explaining to him, that they will probably ask 'How are you?', as well as a question about Christmas since it was just a couple days ago. And I was explaining to him, that it is always nice to ask a question back, and also to ask questions about their answers to demonstrate that he was listening. And listening to the other person makes them feel respected and valued. It's also just... good manners.

So, we did a couple examples.

Did you see a lot of family?
Did you have a lot of food?
Did you get to relax?

Then Colin threw this one out: "Did you have a kid?"

um.... I was confused. And laughing hysterically. And relieved that we were thankfully doing practice runs.

Me: WHY would you ask if someone just had a kid???
Colin: Well, Mary and Joseph did.

Ah.... so he does pay attention at Sunday School. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Yes, I'll be 'that' Mother-in-law

Sitting at the local JJ Bean, a song near and dear to my heart started playing. Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey.... oh, talk about throwback days. It's just a classic for my R&B days of the 90s, along with Boyz 2 Men. Who could deny the soft luscious vocals of the queen of falsetto? I digress. That song was one of my faves, and remains top 10. So, to say my ears perked up with it started playing over the radio at the coffee shop, holding an actual baby, I was hormonally excited! It's automatic for my mouth to start singing the song, I can't help it. And then I realized, in that moment, I was singing 'Always Be My Baby', TO MY BABY.

It's funny how lyrics work, and I know that song is meant for some creepy stalker (ex)girlfriend to sing all by her lonesome self, but when I started singing it in relation to my current situation as a mother to my children... I knew I had it. I had the song for the mother-son dance at their wedding.

Sure enough, it sounds a little crazy mother in law to think: "Boy don't you know you can't escape me Ooh darling, 'cause you'll always be my baby'".

But on their respective wedding days, or any significant event really (graduation, first job, going to a sleepover, getting their driver's license, first steps) I really do hope I can sing these words and mean it:

Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
'Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die, no

Friday, December 5, 2014

Colin Says: Apple Juice

Colin: Mommy can I have apple juice?
Me: No. We don't have any. Kids and adults don't need apple juice.
Colin: I just died right now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cara Says

i've been posting to Facebook conversations with Cara. She talks. A lot. just need to have a compilation of the little conversations:

Nov. 24th, 2014
eating dinner.
Me: Oh, daddy would you like me to get you some water?
Cara: oh wait! I got water for daddy already! It's in the bathroom.

erm.... Joe was a good dad, and drank the water that was handed to him. good dad deeds.

Nov. 23rd, 2014
Cara has appointed us to be all Frozen characters. Connor is honorary Baby Elsa.

Cara: "I think Baby Elsa is hungry, and needs Anna milk."

November 18th, 2014

She corrects me when I call her Cara. Speaking to me like I'm a foreigner.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Joe was on business a few weeks back, and as much as people thought he was on a culinary tour - he did, in fact work (a little). He also got to take in some of Broadway, and watched Wicked! Ever since, we've been listening to the soundtrack, and now I'm humming it in the grocery store, or just a few moments ago, literally singing lyrics from the songs in response to Connor's stubborn ways.

I'll set the scene for you.

Act 1:
Crying baby in car.
baby falls asleep mid ride.
Ride stops at a red light. wailing begins again.
scene repeats itself multiple times.

Act 2:
Car stops at home. Crying baby to the max.
need to get 13 other items out of the car (included an essential hot caffeinated beverage)
unbuckle the baby and he literally springs out on his own as he is released from his carrier of terror

nurse the baby as he claws at my shirt.
eats like he's never been fed before, and immediately calms down, and when he's finished, he grins, in the most wicked way.

Then, this tune pops in my head (from Defying Gravity):

(spoken) Elphaba - why couldn't you have just stayed calm for once, instead of flying off the handle!
(sung) I hope you're happy!
I hope you're happy now
I hope you're happy how you
Hurt your cause forever
I hope you think you're clever!

I hope you're happy
I hope you're happy, too
I hope you're proud how you
Would grovel in submission
To feed your own ambition

So though I can't imagine how
I hope you're happy right now

Here's what the song sounds :)